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 Voice Services
AXIS TELECOM INC. augments and enhances your sales and marketing program through an incentive-based, focused telesales effort. AXIS specializes in creating an "Inside Sales" team dedicated to handling all aspects of a multi-channel sales effort including multimedia, direct mail, targeted outbound and Internet response. We further enhance the sale through creative cross selling and up selling strategies. ATI. recognizes that even in an on-line world, many customers prefer a two-way voice conversation. Whether the call is through a telephone line or over the Internet, our customer care officers are trained to listen for buying signals and overcome objections and hesitations. We capitalize on cross-selling and down-selling opportunities through our customized scripting, and perform extensive quality assurance and monitoring to maximize each customer interaction experience.
Voice services
Web Services
Web Live Chat
E-mail Services
Customer Services
Training and Workshops
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