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Tech.Help Desk
Rule Based Calls

Order Entry Market Entry Support Credit Checks
L1, L2, L3 Support Customer Inquiries Lead Generation
Billing inquiry Customer Profile Development Authorization Calls
Replenishment Satisfaction Tracking Product/ Service Sales
Ticket Management Post Sales Service Telemarketing
Verification Calls     Market Research

Back Office Process Support
Speed, accuracy, and reliability - the cornerstones of the AXIS' approach to Back Office & Transaction Processing services. Our teams consist of professionals with extensive experience in a diverse range of vertical domains, back office processes and process migration. State-of-the-art technology and high levels of infrastructure redundancy combined with stringent standards of quality and compliance ensure consistent and timely delivery of output.

Finance & Accounts
HR Services
Transaction Processing
Order Management
Accounts Payable Employee Help Desk Application Capture Order Data Capture
Accounts Receivable Recruitmen Claims Processing Order Processing
General Accounting Resume Management White/ e-mail Processing Pricing Calculations
Closing Processes Reconciliation Record/ Data Maintenance Customer Inquiries
Voice services
Web Services
Web Live Chat
E-mail Services
Customer Services
Training and Workshops
Your business
Tech. Help Desk
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